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Feeding Empty Little Tummies in Manatee County

Ensuring No Child Goes Hungry on Weekends


Provides one child with 1 month of weekend meals


Provides one child with 3 months of weekend meals


Provides one child with 6 months of weekend meals


One child receives meals for the entire school year

Donate by mail

Make Checks Payable To EFELT
Mail to:

2511 75th. Street West,
Bradenton, FL 34209

4602 Lena Road
Bradenton, FL 34211

Donate online

Simple, convenient online donations may be made one time, weekly, or monthly.

Our Mission

E.F.E.L.T.’s mission is to provide weekend meals and snacks to children who may be homeless or live in a food insecure living situation. We strive to ensure that no Manatee County student faces a weekend without food.

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